VIPs surprise visit

April 4, 2023

The children of Crowhurst Primary School had an unexpected surprise when they visited us for 'The Hug' by Long Nose Puppets in March.

Celebrated actors and national treasures Imelda Staunton (whom the children recognised as Dolores Umbridge from the Harry Potter films) and Jim Carter (Downton Abbey) called in for tea during the afternoon.

The children met the actors who were happy to chat and pose for photographs on our terrace.

Here they are with our founder, John Bright, on the set of 'The Hug' by Long Nose Puppets.

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Barn Theatre & Museum
Rodgers Farm
Stonestile Lane
East Sussex
TN35 4PH


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2 London Road
St Leonards-on-Sea
East Sussex
TN37 6AE


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